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Top 3 Security Tips for Warehouses in 2022

For many businesses, their warehouse is home to the most valuable of assets. Security breaches can result in devastating, preventable losses. Installing and implementing effective, reliable, professional warehouse security should be a no-brainer but can sometimes feel daunting - where do you start?

We’ve got your back. Here are 3 simple warehouse security tips that will help keep your assets safe and sound. It’s all about creating a layer of defense that a potential offender will look at and say, “Nope, that’s too much effort for too little reward, I’m going somewhere else.”

1. Install motion detecting flood lights and alarm systems

Yes, even something as simple as installing motion detecting flood lights and alarm systems can help prevent security breaches on your property.

Darkness serves as helpful cover for theft and other nefarious activities. By eliminating this with floodlights, criminals are less likely to attempt a robbery…or be caught red handed in the process.

A few other measures you can take to increase visibility and decrease access in and around the property include keeping windows, gates and fences clear of bins, boulders, machinery or decorative elements.

2. Keep it under lock and key

Locking away your prized possessions and hiding them from sight is a great way to deter offenders. If they don’t see anything valuable, they’re less likely to take the risk of breaking in.

Also, not all padlocks are made equally. Be sure to select your padlocks wisely to maximise security. Here’s what to look for:

Steel is one of the strongest and most common materials for high security padlocks.

Key vs. combination lock: A key padlock is often a safer option, but the choice to use either is also dependent on the protocols of your business.

Check that you have the best size and shape lock for your property.

3. Multi-tiered security protocol

It’s all very well if your property can light up or sound an alarm if your systems detect criminal activity, but what then? Whilst these are important, effective deterrents, they aren’t enough on their own and won’t stop an active break-in.

This is why combining passive security solutions with active security solutions is a must.

Start with:

  • Monitored surveillance via CCTV security cameras that cover all access points.

  • Regular mobile patrols at varying intervals to ensure gates are always locked and valuables are in place.

  • Mobile patrols that are dispatched if a breach occurs.

  • Stationary security officers on-site.

These tips have been provided to help you get on the right track, but please don’t forget that every business and every property is unique. It’s important to consider your specific requirements to form an air-tight security protocol.

For the ultimate peace of mind, partner with an expert security service. Here at Goldfields Security Services, we help keep your livelihood safe with our top-tier security services by creating tailored solutions to your business.

Contact us to discuss your bespoke security plan today.

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